Chief Executive Officer
Carly is an expert in the field of cybersecurity. She is passionate about keeping users and their data safe online and works hard to ensure her company provides the best products and services to her customers.
Director of Government Relations
Amarjit is a highly experienced lawyer specializing in cyber law. He has a decade of experience negotiating complex security protocols, providing strategic counsel on intellectual property matters, and litigating challenging cyber-related lawsuits.
Director of Offensive Computing
Brian is an offensive computing expert specializing in network security and vulnerability development. He is highly knowledgeable in the areas of reverse engineering, exploit development, and penetration testing. Brian focuses on high profile asset asquisition.
Accounts Manager
Marilyn has a lifetime of experience working with high profile accounts and sensitive matters. She continues to work full time while enjoying her retirement activities, such as playing bridge and volunteering at her local animal shelter. She is also a fierce advocate for women's rights and strives to empower other women in business.
Engineering Manager
Jinn-Yi is an expert in reverse engineering and software development; specializing in analysis, design and implementation. Jinn-Yi's critical analysis of foreign technical documentation and specification aids in the use of debugging tools with unique reverse engineering techniques to create cutting-edge solutions in foreign markets.
Office Manager
W00F has a friendly and goofy personality, and loves to spread joy and happiness in the office. He loves healthy treats and taking naps under desks and is always up for playing a game of fetch or tug-of-war. He's an integral part of the team and makes sure to remind everyone solving challenging problems to take breaks and have fun in the moment!
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